Nebraska 811 Rodeo Cowboy

Nebraska takes its rodeos seriously, and so does Nebraska 811! For several years, Nebraska 811 has proudly partnered with professional cowboy Jeff Richardson to help share the message of damage prevention and safety with competition attendees in and around the state.

Between steer wrestling and calf roping competitions, Jeff can be seen interacting with rodeo fans, discussing the importance of safe digging near underground utilities, or handing out fun giveaways, such as stickers, helpful guides, or even tattoos and coloring books. You might even catch him handing out autographed pictures to his younger fans!

Jeff is a member of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA), Mid-States Rodeo Association (MSRA), and Nebraska State Rodeo Association (NSRA).

If you see Jeff and the 811 horse trailer (pictured below) at a rodeo, let us know and we’ll send you some Nebraska 811 swag. Click here to email Jill Geyer, Nebraska 811 damage prevention liaison, and tell us where you saw him. Photos are not required but appreciated!

Follow The Nebraska 811 Rodeo Cowboy on Facebook to stay up to date on where Jeff will be next!

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